
Fallout 4 infinite loading new game
Fallout 4 infinite loading new game

fallout 4 infinite loading new game

Repeat this process until you have a huge pile of Grilled Queen Nukalurk Step 7 If you pushed up (using the stick and not the Dpad) quick enough, you will have cooked one Grilled Queen Nukalurk without using any ingredients at all Step 6 Just as you hit ‘Cook’ push up on the left stick (there’s a tiny window of time so make sure you’re quick) Step 5 Once you get to the cooking station, hover over ‘Grilled Radroach’, you’ll notice that above the ‘Grilled Radroach’ there is ‘Grilled Queen Nukalurk’ which sells for a considerable amount Step 4 If you’re playing Fallout 76, find any cooking station Step 3 If you’re playing Fallout 4, Head to Daisy’s store in Goodneighbor. Get yourself as much Radroach meat as possible (it can be any item used in a cooking station, but for the purposes of the Fallout glitch, we’ll do Radroach meat) Step 2 How to do the Fallout 4 & Fallout 76 unlimited caps glitch Step 1 It’s very unlikely to be patched in Fallout 4 as it’s such an old game, but it could get patched in Fallout 76, so take advantage of it while you can. We tested it July 2020, and it’s still working in both games. Yes, you read that right! This is a Fallout 4 unlimited caps glitch AND a Fallout 76 unlimited caps glitch.

Fallout 4 infinite loading new game