While still inside unitdata.xml, go to nexus, gateway or wherever you want to spawn the unit and copy and paste an entry with the button name = dragoon and the abilcmd = the gatewaybuild number that you choose in abildata.xml ((note: normally you would have to make a weapon.xml with effects.xml but since dragoon acts like stalker and fires a photon cannon blast, we can quickly make a dragoon without weapon hassle)) #4 next, go to abildata.xml and create a gatewaytrain entry (use find word to find the location) copy and paste the stalker entry and rename it dragoon, change the time/train id number, minerals and vespene, make the button = dragoon and the unit = dragoonįinally, go to unitdata.xml and copy the stalker unit profile, rename it dragoon, change the mp/hp/armor or whatever, also be sure to change the weapon_array and make it equal photoncannon Note: you can add and edit the scale values to make it bigger or smaller In modeldata.xml, copy and paste stalker entry, then make the parent = stalker so that the dragoon looks and acts like a stalker (since stalker is parent, death, weapon and explosion animations are the same as stalker) Then copy and paste model and actor entries for stalker.in actordata, change the name to dragoon so that dragoon acts like stalker (you don't have to copy death, weapon, explosion models entrys just the main parent entry) #2 and 3 (open actorData.xml and modelData.xml)